Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Kasper 5 is posted

First Blog post

Chapter 5 of Kasper's Den is now up on Nifty 
Literotica takes a few days to post

I'm already working on chapter 6, but people want a chapter of Noah's Starship. It's been awhile since I've updated it and so much has happened... so many interesting things to put in it. Maybe I'll smash them together. 

Finals are finished so I finally have some time to write. This semester sucked. I am so glad it's over. I hope I did ok. 


  1. I love all of your series and your different styles of writing for each one of them. I love going on the adventures to the far away lands and meeting the strong Lions. I love experiencing their love for their cubs and their nuclear families as well. I can't wait to read the next chapter of each story as it unfolds.

    I have read your latest saga to me: cage,cock,Cairo and I can't wait till you go back to start writing this series again. I can't wait to see Cage'so life and training and love for Tarik unfolds.

    1. Thanks! This summer I hope to have time to update and finish some things. :)

  2. In regards to school, it will get better as time goes by. Your Lion will guide you through and be your strength during the trying times. I sure wish that I had an amazing Lion in my life as you do. Again, school will get better and you can only soar with your dreams from here. You have an amazing talent for writing and storytelling.

    1. Thank you! He is pretty encouraging. He's insanely good at math and science stuff so he helps me as much as he can, but he's not exactly the best teacher and we sometimes just end up playing around. I'll get through it though. I'm halfway finished.
