Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Moving Home

 We are moving. I can't wait and I'm so excited. 

Last summer we bought a house in Texas to be close to my husband's family. They (the parents and A's youngest brother) moved here a few years back from Iran with his father's engineering job. It's been fun to have them just a few miles away. 

We had so many hopes here. We moved close to the gayborhood where we could walk to nice restaurants and stuff. With the Covid thing, my husband has mostly kept me home. He goes to do the grocery pickup or goes inside stores for things we need, but I've only been in a handful of places. It's been a really isolating year. We made no friends for me here. I don't know a single person who isn't related to my husband. 

I tried not to complain too much, but I really miss California. I've only lived in LA, and I didn't realize how attached I am to it. People in Texas are kind of rude. It's a totally different vibe from SoCal and we are not feeling it. 

Husband was having issues with his family too. He's been independent from them for a long time and doesn't welcome their advice or input. It's funny because my husband gets so mad when his mother comes into our house and moves things around or changes things. I never argue with her and I am happy she wants to do these things with me. I let her do whatever she wants and I say thank you. She hugs me and smiles. 

My husband gets so annoyed. He tells me, "You can put things back how you had them. You can tell her no. I told her to stop doing that." 

I'm like, "Do you want me to argue with your mother? I am not going to argue with your mother." 

I tell him how lucky I am that his parents from Iran accept me as their own. I tell him I don't care if his mom wants to move my plates or cups or flour or whatever. She can do whatever. They like me and accept me into their family. That's what is important. I am not going to start any problems with them. 

We are moving back next month. I'm ready to be back home. His company got us an apartment in West LA. I've never lived close to the beach. I can't wait. 


  1. It is good to return to familiar soil. I'm very homesick for Amman right now. I bet your Dad was over the moon with joy about you return.

    1. He is excited. I think he's had a lonely year too. I hope you guys end up loving where you go.

    2. I am so happy for you. And I say good morning! It has taken almost a month but London is starting to grow on me. I now know the difference between chips and crisps. That was a learning experience.

      I'm actually starting to meet some nice people. We did have a bit of drama with one of Z's old friends. He blamed me for Zahir having to leave Jordan.

      We're traveling a lot, now that we're both vaccinated. With our vaccination passports we get to visit clients where they are so long as they're in green zone Nations.

  2. Happy for you. You gave TX a good try it sounds like. I’ve heard a lot of CA residents have moved to TX for more stable weather or cheaper cost of living. But probably not your area, they don’t have stable weather.

    Smart on the MIL...

  3. Happy for you. You gave TX a good try it sounds like. I’ve heard a lot of CA residents have moved to TX for more stable weather or cheaper cost of living. But probably not your area, they don’t have stable weather.

    Smart on the MIL...

  4. Not sure why that posted twice.

    1. It's done that with me too before. Thank you! I was so happy for him to be with his family after so many years split by continents from them. But it just isn't working out for us. I try to keep my negativity to myself and not say things to him since he already felt guilty about taking me from the only place I've ever lived. Luckily, he came to the decision on his own and he is grateful that I supported him.
      The weather is crazy! We have had rain for a week now. Crazy big storms.

    2. You can let your negativity out here:)

      I don’t think I could live in TX, based on my brief trip there and what I’ve heard. I hope his parents like it if they are staying.

      But I’ve liked everywhere I’ve been on the west coast, from San Diego to Seattle.

  5. Emri, I’ve been reading your stories since 2016 when I was in 7th grade (I know, it’s bad)- I’ve read Noah’s starship at least 10 times and really enjoyed all your other stories… when are you going to make a comeback? I miss opening up Nifty and seeing your fresh uploads… Is there another way we could keep up with you besides on this blog? Hope all is well! :)

    1. He moved to WattPad for writing. Here is his page.


    2. Thank you! And yes, wattpad is where I went. I've been taking a break the past three months though :) I'll get back to it!
