Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Persian Cling

 My husband is on a zoom business call in the other room so I actually have an hour to myself. 

I have so many storylines going in my head, but it's so rare that I get to just sit with my laptop in peace by myself. 

I know I am super fortunate to be married to a guy who always wants me within arm's reach, but it leaves no time for my creative outlet. Some days he will even bring his laptop and phone to the kitchen island and conduct full business meetings while I'm making food or cleaning up. 

Yesterday he came into the kitchen and sat there then reached over and turned my music way down because he got a call from an investor. 

I started waving my arms for him to take his call in a more private place. He has a home office. There's a whole bedroom with his office set up and he only goes in there to get something off the printer. 

I'm waving my arms at him and he smiles then winks at me. He thinks I just want love so he comes over and puts his arms around me from behind and rubs his nose into the back of my neck while conducting his business call. He just doesn't understand needing space. 

Last week he told me, "This year has been so good for us! We are closer than ever!" 

I should not complain. He is working extra hard to keep us going through this pandemic economy (and actually he says he is doing better since we moved to Texas). 

I think part of the problem is that we aren't able to hang out with friends here. Our pandemic pod is his family and no one else. Hopefully things go back to normal in a few months. 

How is everyone else's relationship doing this year? 


  1. I’m completely with you on the privacy. Sometimes I sit in my car to get away.

  2. Hahahahaha, I guess from your husband's perspective, you're his happy place which by associating must always be kept happy. But I understand your need for you time. I feel like I'd be itching for that time if I were you.

    Something I might suggest is that you use signals and tell your husband what you mean when he's in a business call. Like 1 finger for giving you some privacy or 2 fingers to give you some snuggles. :)

    My relationships are going well. Being a 20 year old second year engineering student in a pandemic with my family has been nice. We got an elliptical to install at home to help exercise and that's been very nice.

    1. Wait, it's the being with the family that's been nice. Not the pandemic. Pardon my blasphemous language :)

    2. I love the signals idea! That could work. I wave my arms and silently scream at him, but he thinks I'm just trying to be cute and he pats my butt. haha.
      Elliptical is a good idea! That is one of my favorite things at the gym. Glad you are doing well!!

  3. I so identify...

    If the pandemic wasn't bad enough since my hubby made out marriage "public knowledge" we have been getting threats and hateful looks. I am NEVER alone at work I am with Zahir or his boss. Don't get me wrong I love being their "math boy" in residence. Now that we are leaving Jordan everything is so itinerant. If I have to leave the office or home it is never alone. I have to have a minder to watch over me.

    Sorry for the whine Em... You asked, and right now 2021 sucks!

    1. It is ok! You have a right to complain! It is not whining. I hope things work out for you two!!
