Wednesday, January 20, 2021

January 20th

 My husband is so cute. He is working from home this year, and when he gets busy, he will talk to himself as he's doing stuff (sometimes in English). 

This morning, he came in from getting some papers out of his car, and he took his jacket off and tossed it on the couch then started to walk away. He stopped, turned back and said, "No. No jacket on the couch, the baby doesn't like that." He picked up his jacket and took it and the papers to his little office. 

He does the funniest stuff when he thinks I'm not watching/listening. I don't think I've ever yelled at him for leaving his clothes around the house, but I do joke about it. He is getting better. Last week he ordered us food online to be delivered, and he ordered my sandwich and then said to himself, "no mayonnaise, the baby hates mayonnaise. He will not eat it." 

January is almost over! So much is going on. We are hoping we can get the vaccine soon. They are down to 60 year olds in our area. Hopefully they get to the 20s before Spring. 

My husband is working with an immigration lawyer so they can start the paperwork to bring over his brothers and their families. I know it is hard for his parents to be here without their whole family together. 

Once they get over here, then my husband says we are definitely moving back to California. If we have his whole family together here then we can just visit them every month without being too close. 

I'm sure this year has all of us missing our people. 

I signed up for a class this summer so I can finally finish my degree by the end of the year. I think it's been easy to put it off with this pandemic as an excuse. Honestly though I just don't know what I am going to do when I finally finish it. Maybe that's why it is easy to put the classes off. 


  1. Three thirty in the morning here. Yes, I know I should be sleeping but I am off tomorrow.

    So glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Looks like the UK has the inside track for our landing place. All I know is we are leaving Jordan. The project in Iran will be done soon. Z will be heading the Euro/America bureau. So I will be working FOR Zahir. It has been so cute briefing him on "MY" projects. "I must expect more from you baby, I cannot be showing the favorites..."

    1. I'm glad you guys are going to be ok. UK sounds like a cold place to live, especially coming from a desert climate. I hope he's not too tough on you! I am kind of working for mine, though not seriously. I mostly just help with his writing. :)

  2. Very cute. Wonder if he realizes he does that?

    Congratulations on school! Grad school now? lol

    1. Grad school is something I have thought about. My husband says I can if I want. He just wants me to not be bored. It's been such a crazy year though! Who knows what is next.

  3. Literally your husband is so cute. I love hearing a story about a little thing on what your husband doing. I can't stop laughing about the "no baby don't like, no baby hate this". It's nice to hear both of you are doing well. Anyway I pray for your husband's family will be immigrated safely. Take care of yourself and stay safe.
    From fellow muslim.

    1. Thank you! He does know how adorable he is. It's funny because he saves his quirky self for home. In public and business, he is a tough, focused guy. At home, he is a goofball. No one would suspect it! haha
