Monday, June 24, 2019

New story thoughts

I REALLY want to do a more mainstream-type book without the power dynamics I typically have in my series and definitely with less sex. I've been thinking about posting more on Wattpad and more visible locations. 

A while back some reader asked if he could post Emerson and the Lion on Wattpad and add graphics and stuff. I said sure, go for it. I knew it wasn't the type of story that would do well on there. 

A lot of gay lit is read by straight females, surprisingly more than one would expect. I get emails from female readers even though I would expect them to not be into my writing. They offer some very interesting thoughts on my stories. I heard from two different older straight married ladies with grown children who told me they really identified with Noah's Starship. Both of them related to the issues of dating a man from a traditional, male-dominated culture. It's really surprising. 


This morning my husband had few free hours so he took me to the grocery store to stock up for the week. We did our normal thing where he leans over the cart and slow walks it while typing/talking on his phone. I guide the cart and he only moves to pull out his wallet at the check-out. When I pull on the cart he walks and when I push it, he stops. It's like an old time horse-pushed carriage. 

I was pushing down the frozen aisle and this muscled, older middle-eastern guy in workout clothes was standing in front of what I wanted. I waited quietly then he looked up from his phone and said "oh, sorry." I gave him a smile and nod and he moved. Husband did not look up. 

I get what we need and then I turn and the guy is right beside me. Husband does not notice. 

The guy said, "Excuse, I can find meatball?" 

My husband snapped his head up so fast! I laughed. He had this flash of a stance like "I will cut you!" 

Husband took one look at him and started talking in his language. The other guy smiles. Then my husband asks me to show him where the meatballs were. I pointed behind the guy where there was a whole freezer door full of them. They said a few more things to each other and we left. 

He puts all the groceries in the trunk then gets in and tells me "He is hunt for you! Right in front of me!" 

"I think he just wanted to buy some meatballs." I pointed out the easiest answer.

He would not buy it. I told him that maybe the guy was interested in him or maybe just lonely and wanting to talk to another middle eastern guy. Husband was not having it. haha. Luckily it led to a very nice morning after quickly putting away the groceries. 


  1. Jealous sex rocks!

    I don't go out of my way for it. I hope he knows I want no other. When it happens, it is as if he feels as if he must PROVE there is no other... All that said, "I LOVE THOSE SESSIONS!!!"

  2. It is the best, especially his talking, his tender little reassurances that he is the best, that I need it. But like you, I would never go out of my way to cause it. He can be a sensitive guy. I like that. I protect that as best I can. :)

  3. I started to read stories on other sites, but it got quiet dull. I found a few peeps that I like their writings so that is why I kept up with them. I made their acquaintance and friended the writers for I liked their writings. Emri's stories have gotten better as he writes and I like to read all of them. He is an AWESOME person and writer. I just wanted to say this so you have a females POV of what his stories are like.

    I have been with my hubby for 26 years and it is as awesome as it was when we first met. He thought I was a Biotch and I thought him a Bastard. But we have had our ups and downs but are still together. I hope you can be as happy as we are in your own lives. Keep the stories coming for it is a release of mine and I look forward to many more.

    Thank you Emri for all that you write about,

  4. That's really funny. They are really cute when they get all protective. Like you and Chase, I would never cause it, but I really like it when he feels like he has to prove he is the one and only. Ha ha!

  5. That is interesting. I do have a couple of straight girl friends who read gay lit. They say if you like romance it’s better because the straight stuff is cheesy and full of stereotypes they don’t relate to, I’ve never read any of it but if they are like a lot of the straight rom com movies I can see their point. And one of them says they are hotter because if you like hot men why not read something with more than one hot guy? Haha, couldn’t argue with that!
