Thursday, June 27, 2019


We are in Arizona! It is super hot and no one vacations in Arizona in the summer, but I have been talking about it for a few weeks now since reading Music of What Happens. I wanted to see where Max and Jordan lived since Bill Konigsberg describes it so vividly. We are staying on this little lake in a new hotel with lots of nice restaurants right around it. It is so pretty! I have been taking a ton of pictures of trees, streets, shopping centers. It's for a new series I want to work on and actually do the real work of character profiles, settings, real places, etc... 

We have a cruise coming up in a few weeks. His mom wanted to do it and so his dad booked us a room. My husband was NOT happy about it. They will have wifi so he can work in the room and his dad got us a room with a balcony. I am excited! Husband is not. It is a lot for him to take off a week of work. Even right now on our little vacation in the desert he is already up making calls and working on things. I ordered us breakfast. I wanted a waffle! I am getting a waffle! 

He wanted to tell his father that we couldn't do it, but he knows it would disappoint him. Plus his brother is bringing a friend (a Persian guy, not his girlfriend) so he will have to keep him in line (He is in big brother mode now that his family lives in the same country.). 

It's funny because with me he is the super gentle but strong disciplinarian. He knows I shrink at even a mildly disapproving look. With his brother though, he is much more forceful. I told him he should be kinder and that he hasn't lived around his brother since he came to the US six years ago and his brother might resent him. He told me his parents are too permissive with him since he is the baby and his parents are worn out from being too strong with him and his older brothers. 

He thinks his little brother is a spoiled kid who gets away with too much. I told my husband that his brother is always very polite and friendly with me. He could be weird or mean or just ignore me, but he is genuinely chill and hugs me. He also takes care of his mother and respects her.

"Of course he does! You are mine, most important of my life. He will not bring my wrath!" 

"Or maybe he likes me as a person?" I pointed out. I like to think people are nice to me for reasons other than me belonging to him. 

"Yes, of course. You are my sweet boy." He meant that, but again reminded me that I am his. Fine fine! haha. 


  1. Sounds great. I don't have the discipline to write that way. My stories tend to meander.

    1. Interesting combinations. Allergies... I have a friend with an odd one. A specific type of grass. That type of grass is related to the stevia plant. He found out he is deathly allergic to a specific artificial sweetener at a pot luck dinner.

      I met two of YOUR fans in Vienna. Shahar and Babila send their warmest regards. Turns out you and I share a fan in Babila. I shared too much and he made the connection between physical me and digital me. It seams there are not a lot of mute, gay, American, rape victims living in Jordan... go figure.

      The guys bounce between Algiers, Paris and Vienna for business. Both are super chill. They talked Zahir into his first Pride march!!! It was also the first time he was publicly affectionate with me. I think it is part of the reason he is talking about relocating.

    2. Ok I deleted the link I put up there since I will add notes that might giveaway future story before published! :)

  2. Your husband sounds more conservative than his parents in your posts. That’s interesting since he’s been in the states for years, and younger, and in a same sex marriage.
    Have fun on the cruise.

    1. My husband is most definitely more conservative than his parents. They try to lighten him up. Honestly, he just has this drive to be a super successful guy. His brothers aren't nearly as motivated and still kind of live off his parents' money. He is their golden boy who made it in his own way. He is very cautious but is also a super hard worker so I am proud of him.

      He says I am the fun and easy part of his world. I make things lighter for him. I like that I can do that.
