Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Fiancee and the Male Nurse

I was in class today, A (the fiancee) didn't want me going today because I'm still sick, but I hate to miss classes. Anyways! So I'm sitting there in class I learn forward and my nose starts bleeding. Luckily the girl next to me had tissues and the professor asked if anyone would walk with me to the health office. This guy who I guess was ready to get out of there offered to walk me so he carried my stuff and took me over there while I held a red wad of tissues. My nose was really bad. 

I go to the health office and this nurse [mid 20's, dark, very gay, cute] takes me back and fixes me up with an ice pack and tissues then looks up my emergency info in the computer which of course is linked to A (the fiancee). A doesn't answer, so I tell him to call from my phone. 

I didn't even think about him using my phone until he opened it and saw A is listed under the Persian word for Daddy, "Baba." 

The nurse was like "Oh, are you middle eastern? This is your father?" 

He starts to call without waiting for an answer and holds up the phone to show he approves of the picture I have of A when it calls him. He explains "Hello sir, this is ___ from ____, your son is pretty sick..." 

So then I guess A freaked out on him because he starts reassuring him that I'm not dead. Then! Then! Then! The nurse guy gets flirty with A! I was ready to take a swipe at him but I was feeling woozy from the blood loss. Then he took my phone and left while still talking to A. I'm like, "WTF?" 

The doctor checked me out after that and gave me a prescription for antibiotics for sinus junk. I took a nap until A got there. 

Then the nurse comes back once A arrived. He was totally flirting with him. A just grabbed my backpack and my phone and took me to the car. He acted like he didnt even know the hot nurse guy was all over him. He just laughed when I brought it up and said I was driven mad by the sickness. 

So next time I get sick on campus I'll take my business elsewhere! :) 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sick Lamp, bro

I'm sick. It's not the flu. Just tired and snotty. A (the fiancee) is taking care of me. He's good at it and buys me all kinds of medicine and comfort things. 

The first time he took care of me when  I was sick was just a month or so after we started hanging out. He came to see me and I looked horrible and it was hot so I just had on a pair of running shorts and a wad of tissues in my hand. I don't know why but my dad let him in without even telling me he was there! I was so pissed at my dad, but A didn't look turned off at all. He came and sat on my bed and tried to get me whatever I needed. 

The next afternoon he came back and brought me soup and this: 

This is the coolest lamp ever. My dad and I lived in an old apartment and my room only had one power outlet and it was far from my bed so the side table had no lamp. He said I needed it. It charges up and lasts forever. He turned it on and turned the dimmer way down and then held me and took a nap with me. It was the sweetest gift anyone ever gave me and I always keep it charged for when we have a power out or something. 

It was the first time anyone took care of me other than my dad. 
Today he made me a protein shake and got my favorite soup (french onion) and watched tv shows on the DVR with me. 

I'm looking back over the Cage! Cock! Cairo! Story. I might want to do another chapter. It's brewing... 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Kasper & Kyle & life is changing

I finished chapter 11 of Kasper's Den and posted it on nifty: 

It will post tomorrow on Literotica under the gay stories tab. 

In chapter 11 I introduced Kasper's brother Kyle. Kyle has been wasting the money Mr. Hamad gave Kasper's family and so Mr. Hamad brings him to Satra for punishment. I'm halfway through the first chapter of it and I really like it. 

Personal wise things are good. I started the new semester this week and got a sad surprise. "A" (the fiancee, wedding soon...) applied for me to change to an online student starting this summer. It needed to be done, but I didn't know he had actually done it. 

He bought a house for us down in Orange County so me going to my current college isn't going to work. I knew that. I totally knew that and understood it, but seeing the email saying I am accepted to be an online student was like a punch in the stomach. I got really mad at him when he picked me up. He got a phone call though so he couldn't talk about it while he drove me home. 

Usually when he drives he puts my hand on the shifter and his hand covers mine and our fingers play around. but I kept my hand and just stared out the window fuming. Then when we got home he had to rush off to a meeting and I just got out of the car and left without kissing him. He was still on his call so he just kind of looked sad at me through the car window while he waited for me to go in the house and lock the door. 

I watched him wait a few minutes looking sad and then drive away. I immediately felt bad and guilty. I know he is a practical guy and a total daddy. Of course he filed for me to change to online. He probably put it on his list of things to take care of with our move. He's a long range planner and he knows I would wait til the last minute or forget about it. He's a dad, dads do those things. He's busy building his business and financial safety for us and I acted like a spoiled kid. 

So I texted him that I was mad at him but sorry I didn't kiss him goodbye. He wrote back that he was sorry it upset me and I should eat a cookie. He's always so quick to forgive and act like whatever I did was ok. We talked when he got home and he said I was just really sad about leaving the campus (I don't like change) and leaving the valley I've spent my whole life in. It's true...