Friday, December 8, 2017

One week to go!

This semester has been crazy work. I have one more week! This week got so busy that A (the fiancee) had to pick up take-out for dinner. He got used to me making special meals for him and he gets kind of pouty when he has to eat restaurant food. I feel bad, but it's just been so busy... 

He wants me to slow down and I kind of do to. I know it's not something I'm supposed to want, but I really do like being his home guy. I like keeping things nice here and him not having to worry about anything around the house. He works so hard to take care of us and make sure I never worry about money. 

He likes coming home to me making some weird new recipe and everything clean and music playing and my yoga mat by the window. He likes being able to come in and drop his clothes and give me a kiss before he sits down to answer emails. He likes me being not stressed and worried about things. I like that too, but we both committed to me finishing my degree. He takes his promise to my father that he would put me through school very seriously. 

I have three semesters left. Isn't that crazy? 

So Chapter 10 of Kasper's Den is coming along. I'm on page 21. I think I just need to make the sex scene really good and then I'll post it. 

The smoke over LA has been crazy. My sinuses are nuts and they cancelled classes but it doesn't really matter since everyone is just working on projects and studying for finals. It's not like we need to be on campus anyways.One more week of the semester!!!! :)  

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