Sunday, October 29, 2017

Ending October with the Dodgers

Is anyone else obsessed with the world series right now? No? Anyone? I grew up with a dad who is the ultimate baseball fan. He would take me to Dodgers or Angels games when he could. It was something fun we could do together. We'd share nachos and I'd pretend to be into it, but really just happy to be at his side with something that brought him so much excitement. 

He tried to get me to play. He'd drag me to batting cages and even got me into little league for a few games. I sucked at it. He'd get upset and I'd cry. Then he'd feel like a big jerk and take me to mini golf which I always had a weird fascination for. He tried for years, but eventually gave up. We still watched the games together and went when we could afford it. Our sports outings focused on mini golf, and he learned to like that. It's the one thing I can beat him at even though I hate to win. I always feel bad when I win something I have to compete for. I don't like the thought of someone I love losing. 

It's been fun having him over to our place to watch the games. I sit between him and A ("Navid" in the Noah series) and listen to them make bro-talk back and forth about the game. I make healthy versions of the stuff we get at the games. They both pretend to like my Pita Nachos. :) 

I'm actually into it too. These games have been crazy! It's been awesome to see them so close to something they've tried for longer than I've been alive. 

I'm just starting the next chapter of Kasper. I'm thinking up the trouble he can get into and how things are going to go down at the dinner cliffhanger I left in the last chapter. It's been awhile so I had to go back and re-read the old chapters so I don't miss anything or mess anything up. I love the Hamads. It's a total fantasy, but I've heard from lost of readers that it has some real elements of truth and these things do go on in the middle east, but under heavy cover. I don't know what it would look like in reality, but it's not reality. It's my fantasy and I'll invent a whole country if I want. 😘

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