Thursday, April 26, 2018

Chapter 12 of Colton

Chapter 12 of Colton is wrapping up. I just need some sex scene stuff to finish it. I'm doing the whole chapter from Julian's perspective waking up with his twin Jackson and what happens to them. Do they get saved and save Colton or does one of them get fixed and the other wiped and then Julian is the trapped one? Or are they both wiped and packaged as a deal to the highest bidder? Hmmmm Decisions! 

Then there's the thought about how to write about twins and possible twincest or all that stuff. lol. It gets into weird waters. 

On the life front. We have a house! We are fixing it up. It's an older house in a more walkable area of Orange County and closer to the beach and life and fun and Disney. yay. It's a little smaller and it was a lot pricier, but I think we will be happier there. 

A registered me for online classes. He's letting me take two of them this summer, one after the other and then four in the fall but they're easier than what I did this semester. I am wrapping up my projects for school. It's so sad. I have two weeks really and then I'll be an online student and a full time houseboy. He says after this next year he wants us to get started on the child process. 

We have someone who wants to carry a child for us, maybe twins. She's excited about it (my cousin). So he is doing that DNA test thing to find out my true ancestry and hopefully find an egg donor that is close to that and then he will supplement it with his Persian seed and the babies will probably look just like him. haha. He comes from super strong genetics. 

He is the exact image of his father, only he is a little darker because his mother is more Arab than Persian. So I bet I will be raising babies that look nothing like me no matter what we do. I'm ok with that. He's a handsome guy. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

How to End Colton?

I'm having a hard time writing the next chapter of Tabula Colton. I think people expect that Colton will be restored and free and payback will be had against Eizo and Mr. Takada. Not sure if I will go that route or not. 

I'm going to do this chapter and maybe one more to end it. I want Colton to be a complete story and not an ongoing series like all my others. I usually leave the door open, but I think I'll end Colton with some finality (no one will die though). 

I wanted to explore more of Colton in High School and work in some funny things that happened to me in high school as a quiet shy gay boy. But I think I could save that for another story idea I have. People want to know what happened to him and dragging it out over 20 chapters would be cruel. :) 

Things with A and me are going pretty chill these days. He's working this weekend on some deals and left me at home to work on my school projects but um... yeah. I did do some work this morning then I got distracted by cleaning the house. 

Yesterday we were getting ready in the morning and I realized my deodorant was totally empty. It had this thin cover that fell apart and crumbled so I had none. :( A laughed and offered me his. It's funny because I get mad when he uses mine because he's a hairy guy and always leaves like four underarm hairs on it. But when I needed his, he gave it to me before I could even ask. 

He's like that. He had no concept of mine and yours when it comes to me. He'd give me his last french fry if I wanted it. I told him I was sorry for getting mad when he uses my stuff. He just shrugged and kissed me and said, "It's ok. You're the baby. You're allowed." He's always the first to share, last to get upset, and first to offer a truce when we argue. 

He's pretty easy going unless I hit one of his limits and then he is firm as a rock. He will hold me, hug me, kiss me, rub me; but when he puts his foot down on something, it's down. I could give examples, but it would just sound like he's too controlling or possessive unless you really knew us and how much he really loves me.  

Saturday, April 7, 2018

New page! New Chapter!

I updated my writing website:

I added a page for the new story  I also published chapter 8 of  Tabula Colton, but I totally effed up the formatting so it'll take another day to sort out. It adds question marks all over the place. :( It does that so randomly. 

I made a cover pic for Tabula Colton. I used Froy Gutierrez for Colton. I was surfing around for pics of how I picture Colton and Froy just fit every little box. For Takada I found the perfect look, but he's actually Vietnamese-American so um yeah sorry guys! I can't go back and make him half Vietnamese! But he just has that hot daddy look Colton would fall for... with medical assistance.