Sunday, September 10, 2017


Finally working on the next Noah's Starship. I'm 13 out of my usual 20 pages (try to get just over 10k words per chapter). It's starting to come together. I just feel super busy with too much going on and the weeks roll by without it. 

I always hate when I find a good series and then the author just drops off the planet, but now I kinda see why. Especially if it's good, you feel like Ugh what if I write a crap chapter and it effs it up? Or you feel like you've used all your good ideas and the fountains dry up for awhile, but then they come back. 

Life is good, just too much good going on and I get anxious about it when things spin too fast. 

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Alive and breaking

I've been getting emails asking why I disappeared. I didn't really disappear, but life got super busy. We are planning our wedding which at this point might just be us going with my dad to a courthouse somewhere or doing something small on the beach. 

Then there is AT's (the fiancee) business which has been super busy which is good, but I've been traveling with him here and there and helping him stay organized and checking his English on emails and letters. 

Plus we have been looking at neighborhoods and houses down south in cooler areas that AT says will be safer for when we have kids. 

Then the fall semester started so I'm in classes again! 

This one was actually kind of funny because normally AT takes me to my classes the week before since it's a pretty big campus with a lot of buildings. I have a bad sense of direction... We usually go and find where my classes will be so I don't have to rush around the first day. Only this time we ran out of time and I told him not to worry about it. So of course the first day I got lost and it was super crazy hot (it's been over 110 degrees for the last week!!!). 

I got overheated and actually felt kind of sick from it. I hadn't felt that before. It's like your stomach feels weird and things look blurry. I went to the upstairs of the bookstore building, got an iced bottle of water and sat on the cold tile floor leaning against the cold tile wall until I felt better. I couldn't tell AT about it because, much like Navid, he would worry and overreact. but I'm ok... 

Life got busy, but it will settle down soon. I have half a chapter of Noah's Starship. I will work on it again soon. But for now...