Wednesday, January 20, 2021

January 20th

 My husband is so cute. He is working from home this year, and when he gets busy, he will talk to himself as he's doing stuff (sometimes in English). 

This morning, he came in from getting some papers out of his car, and he took his jacket off and tossed it on the couch then started to walk away. He stopped, turned back and said, "No. No jacket on the couch, the baby doesn't like that." He picked up his jacket and took it and the papers to his little office. 

He does the funniest stuff when he thinks I'm not watching/listening. I don't think I've ever yelled at him for leaving his clothes around the house, but I do joke about it. He is getting better. Last week he ordered us food online to be delivered, and he ordered my sandwich and then said to himself, "no mayonnaise, the baby hates mayonnaise. He will not eat it." 

January is almost over! So much is going on. We are hoping we can get the vaccine soon. They are down to 60 year olds in our area. Hopefully they get to the 20s before Spring. 

My husband is working with an immigration lawyer so they can start the paperwork to bring over his brothers and their families. I know it is hard for his parents to be here without their whole family together. 

Once they get over here, then my husband says we are definitely moving back to California. If we have his whole family together here then we can just visit them every month without being too close. 

I'm sure this year has all of us missing our people. 

I signed up for a class this summer so I can finally finish my degree by the end of the year. I think it's been easy to put it off with this pandemic as an excuse. Honestly though I just don't know what I am going to do when I finally finish it. Maybe that's why it is easy to put the classes off. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Hot guys picnic

 For Christmas, my husband and his parents bought me pretty much every kitchen tool I saw on tv this year and said, "oh we should try that!" 

I think they feel bad for me, but I really am interested in things other than cleaning and food. 

For the cleaning thing, I really am a bad gay stereotype. I like things in their place and I love when my husband's mother comes into our house and does this little head nod with a smile. 

I will say, the air fryer is the best invention ever! 

Last night they came for dinner, and I made them chicken in the air fryer. His mom brought a big salad she'd made and the two things were so good together. 

The juicer is somehow masculine enough for my husband to get into. He loved shoving giant vegetables into the machine. We made a celery, carrot, cucumber, apple juice then I added frozen berries to the glasses. It was so good. 

I'm enjoying spending all this time with his family, but we are both ready to get back to California when all this is over. 

We have had so many meals in our car or a park this year. It's become our habit when we need to get out of the house. We order online, pull up for curbside, then either eat in the car or go to a nearby park. 

Yesterday we ate in our car in the parking lot of the park because it was a little busy. There was an endless supply of hot guys out running! We live just a mile from the most popular trail that runs along the bayou. It was funny because every guy who would pass, we would say "yes" or "no" for who we liked. I'm sure all couples do this at some point. My husband gave a few yeses to some passing girls as well! I didn't vote on any girls. 

It's funny how much he has changed. He used to never ever comment on guys he thought were cute, and I wouldn't have even dared to do that.  Now it's like "Ok, whatever. We're together forever so it's cool."

It also surprised me that he isn't just into white boys like me. He has a pretty good spectrum of interests. 

Did anyone else stay up late with the election news? I fell asleep on my guy's chest about 10, but I know he was up late (He's still sleeping in). He will be happy for the news when he wakes up. It'll help us get the rest of his family here. He has two brothers and their families still back in Iran. I know how much that will mean to his family to be together again. 

Today's font is Georgia. 😀

Sunday, January 3, 2021

New Year 2021

I feel like this year has been a deep dive into the "What are you doing with your life?" question. It has definitely reframed it for our family, and I doubt many people would be answering that question with anything similar to this time last year. 

Without all this craziness, I doubt we would have moved to Texas to be near my husband's family. We are both ready to head back to California, but there have been some nice things about it too. 

The last few years my husband was working like crazy to build something secure for us. This year he has been able to relax a lot more. It forced him to take a step back, and think about the kind of guy he wants to be going forward. 

It's definitely made him more needing of my time and attention. Last year at this time, I was practically begging him to step back from his crazy workload and do things with me. Now it's kind of the opposite. I'm trying to clean something or cook something, and he shows up wanting to participate. Yesterday he stopped me while I was vacuuming because "The vacuum sounds weird. Lemme take a look at it." 😆 I was like, "No! Stop! Let me just finish!" 

He's messing up my daily flow. 


This year definitely zapped my creativity. I had hopes of fixing three stories that had bad endings or no endings. I was going to redo Tabula Colton, Kasper, and Ahmed's Cub. I think they would work well with Wattpad, but need major re-writes. I've done almost nothing with them other than grammar and spelling. 

So much of my inspiration for storylines and characters came from being out and people watching. I got a ton from dinners/adventures out with my husband's clients and friends. He meets really interesting super wealthy people. This year has shut that down. 

I like the wattpad format though. I love all the interactive comments and getting so much feedback on my stories, but the readers are very different from nifty's audience. 

I get a lot of the readers who start out loving the series, but being a little concerned for the controlling character (Ali, Ari, Navid, etc...). They post a ton of comments and things are going well, but then they hit that one point in the story where it is clear that the main character is a submissive. Then I get a lot of negativity because they bonded with my characters and care about them, but don't accept the submissive/dominant relationship. I usually leave the comments unless they are too rude. 

I have a new storyline that has been growing in my head the last two months. I've written nothing on it though. It's a hunky younger guy who gets with an older guy who is super alpha in his daily routine, but super submissive in sexual situations. I'm just not feeling the pen-to-paper on it yet though. 

I hope 2021 brings a return to normalcy. I want my creativity back. I know I am completely privileged to have a husband who has kept me home and safe this year. He has gone out of his way to make COVID something we see on the news and not in our family. I am so so so grateful for that. I am grateful that I am healthy and safe even if I'm bored and blocked. 

My husband keeps saying, "Some seasons we aim for stars, in this season we aim for life." He can be a real fortune cookie some times.