Friday, May 12, 2023


 I haven't posted a blog in a year? That's crazy! 

We bought a house back in December and moved out of our fun beachside apartment. That's about it. 


This week I finished up my projects for the semester. One of the projects was a group project over the whole semester and I had these two people I was working with, a guy and a girl. They went to high school together so they've known each other a long time and we were totally getting along. 

For our big project I did most of the writing and edited their stuff so we could get an A on it. 

So they wanted to take me to this boba tea coffee shop place where they like to hang out and it has a big selection of weird board games and people who visit and play them leave notes and tips on how to play the games. 

I was super excited because my classes are online so I didn't get to meet people in person. We were supposed to meet up on Wednesday afternoon and my husband had a morning meeting and then was going to come home and take me to hang out with them. 

 I got ready and about an hour before we were supposed to meet up I texted them, "See you guys at 1. I'm excited." 

Then they texted me back saying they have to cancel because an old friend is in town for the day and they were going to hang out with her. 

I texted my husband not to rush home because they canceled on me. So that made him rush home even sooner. He looked so sad when he walked in and saw me sitting on the couch. I had on my new shirt and new shoes I was saving for going somewhere fun. 

"No! Is so sad! You dressed cute to see your friends. They are not your friends. I will hurt them!" He was so pissed. So I got a big hug and he changed and took me to lunch. 

I was upset because they didn't even bother to make up an excuse. It's just like something better came up. And I also feel kind of used because I did so much work for our project and now that the class is over they just blew me off. 

I didn't reply to their text. I don't want to sound like a psycho and be rude because what good would that do? 

It's really hard making friends when you're doing online classes and spending most of the week at home. Our new neighborhood is mostly young couples and families and we haven't seen any gay couples on our walks. 

My husband is super outgoing and everyone loves him. Plus he is out working all the time and meeting people so new friends just swarm around him. It's effortless. My socialization is always through him. I don't have close friends on my own except my friends from where I grew up which is an hour away. 


But anyways. We decided to go to a resort for the weekend in Arizona to celebrate finishing the semester. It's beautiful here. He is out at a meeting (of course he made it a work trip), but just for the morning and then we'll have the weekend to enjoy together.